From Flappy Dragon to Flappy Bonus

Hands-On Rust includes a FlappyBonus project, extending Flappy Dragon/Flappy ASCII to include tile-based graphics, smoother movement and a flapping animation for the dragon. This article explains how to transition from the book project to the bonus content.

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Hands-On Rust is now on Goodreads!

Hands-On Rust is on

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Beta 5 of Hands-on Rust is now available

The fifth beta of Hands-On Rust is now available. It includes the new chapters Combat Systems & Loot, Finishing Touches and a Rust Cheat Sheet. This chapter delves into data-driven design; define your game objects in external data files and map them into the game's Entity Component System. This lets you quickly enhance the game without needing to recompile.

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Beta 4 of Hands-on Rust is now available

The fourth beta of Hands-On Rust is now available. It includes the new chapters Inventory and Power-Ups, and Deeper Dungeons. Add items with effects to the game, such as magic dungeon maps and healing potions. Extend the game to cover more than one level.

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Beta 3 of Hands-on Rust is now available

The third beta of Hands-On Rust is now available. It includes the following new chapters: Fields of View, More Interesting Dungeons, Map Themes. Learn to consume and create traits, and procedurally generate dungeons for your adventurer to explore. It also includes a lot of errata.

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Beta 2 of Hands-on Rust is now available

The second beta of Hands-On Rust is now available. It adds chapters entitled Health and Melee Combat, and Victory and Defeat, as well as some errata. Learn to track hit points, for both the player and monsters. Add a heads-up display. Find the lost amulet, or die trying.

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Highlight: 1st review of Hands on Rust (Flappy Dragon)

Alchemist Camp have posted a first review of Hands-On Rust on YouTube.

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Beta 1 of Hands-on Rust - Effective Learning through 2D Game Development and Play is now available

I'm proud to announce that my book Hands-on Rust - Effective Learning through 2D Game Development and Play is now in beta with The Pragmatic Bookshelf.

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